Happy 67th birthday to UCP Oregon! UCP Oregon was “born” in 1955—as two separate organizations in Astoria and Portland. We’ve grown--and changed!-- a ton since then. Learn more about UCP Oregon's history below. Happy 32nd Birthday to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)!
The ADA ensures that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. It guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in public accommodations, employment, transportation, state and local government services, and telecommunications. The ADA came about after years of mobilization by disabled activists. Happy July! And happy Disabilities Pride Month to you!
This month, some folks who experience disabilities are choosing to “come out of the closet” by discussing their disabilities publicly for the first time. Have you done this? It can be a scary process. But, as Carly Fox (a 20-year-old disability rights advocate) says, “Disability self-disclosure has been freeing, empowering, and incredibly meaningful to me. It has allowed me to enter new professional spaces in my entirety. It enables me to use my expertise to make spaces more accessible and inclusive, and it creates representation that may make my disabled peers feel safer.” Learn more about Carly's "self-disclosure" experience here. We are excited to share the 2019-2020 Annual Report.
It covers a time of great change. A time when our employees, customers, and supporters all worked incredibly hard take care of each other. Thank you for joining us on this journey. July is Disabilities Pride Month.
It’s a time for celebration and for introspection. And sometimes it's a time for sadness. It’s complicated. If you’re struggling to know how to feel this month, you’re not alone. One of our favorite activists, Kelly Douglas (who experiences CP) recently shared, “I wonder if I’ll be able to muster up a shred of disability pride to get me through July.” Like many of us this month, Kelly is wondering, “How do I share everything my disability has given me and still mourn everything it’s taken away?” That's why we’ll be sharing a spectrum of disability-related experiences this month-- from celebration and pride to grief and annoyance. Because ALL of our experiences are valid! Happy July! Happy "Disability Pride Month"!
For many folks, Disability Pride Month is a very "public" thing--it's about building community, speaking out, and taking action. Disability Pride Month parades and events are held in many cities. For other folks, Disability Pride Month is a time to focus on introspection. Either way, UCP Oregon is here for it! This month, we are celebrating us! We are celebrating OUR history, OUR struggles, and OUR strengths. |
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January 2025