FROM THE DESK OF ANN COFFEY, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF UCP OREGON Dear customers, family members, providers, and community partners, I want to update you about how UCP Oregon is navigating the impact of COVID-19. We are taking into consideration the variety of risks and support needs of the 500+ people we support; their families; and their service providers (including 200+ UCP Oregon employees). We are here and accessible, but we’re shifting how we engage with the people we support in an effort to protect those who are at high risk of contracting COVID-19. The following strategies are in place, effective immediately until further notice:
A Note for Customers and Families:
Figuring out how to take care of yourself and your loved ones can cause fear, anxiety, and stress. Breathe deep, ask for support, make a contingency plan, and check in with yourself and others. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help. If you—whether you are a customer, a family member, or an employee—feel like you need additional support during the next few weeks, please reach out to your personal agent, case manager, supervisor, department director, or UCP’s Executive Director. And, finally, don’t forget the basics! Wash your hands. Maintain a 6’ perimeter. Cover your cough. Take care of each other. We are all in this together--we will get through this! Sincerely, Ann Coffey UCP Oregon Executive Director Resources:
Are you saving the date for the 2020 UCP Family Conference? UCP’s Family Support Conference brings together families who are raising children with a disability, adults experiencing disabilities, as well as the medical, therapeutic, and educational professionals who work with them. This is the only conference of its kind in the Northwest. The two-day gathering includes workshops and speakers that focus on new research in the area of intellectual and developmental disabilities, new surgical and therapeutic techniques, as well as alternative therapies and educational innovations. The 250 plus attendees have the opportunity to visit vendors presenting services, resources and equipment.
NEWS Archives
January 2025